Face it, a lot of business conversations are really hard.
Whether you're asking for a raise, begging your boss for more resources (I mean, you're drowning over here!), or trying to convert leads, the pressure to convince and convert is enough to... well, to make you want to be invisible.
You've tried everything to build trust and show off your skillset. Whether you're running a department or running a business, the ask is too often followed by a blank stare, or worse, crickets.
What gives? Perhaps—just perhaps—they don’t care for your tone.
This means your personal brand voice could be the missing piece of the puzzle.
Your brand voice is more than just the words you use—it's the personality behind your message, the tone that resonates with your audience, and the authenticity that sets you apart. Yet, many women overlook the importance of their voice, focusing instead on the visual aspects of their brand. After all, a beautiful manicure, logo or website is just sexier. It instills confidence. It makes you look good.
Is Confidence to Use Your Voice Knowing What to Say, or How to Say It?
The answer to whether confidence in using your voice lies in what to say or how to say it is a bit of both, and yet, a bit of neither. Let's delve into it.
Many of the women who come to me for coaching seek help with the daunting task of having difficult conversations—whether it's addressing underperforming team members or confronting a seemingly apathetic boss or client. By the time they muster the courage for "the big conversation," they're already consumed by frustration and anger, making kindness a distant memory. Essentially, they've waited too long to speak, finding themselves in a fight mode.
Choosing the right moment for these crucial conversations is paramount. So, if timing is part of "how" we use our voice, then our confidence is closely intertwined with how we express ourselves. It's challenging to effectively wield our voice when we're seething with emotion, as it shows, leaving us at a disadvantage. We've waited too long.
But why do we wait? Often, it's because we're unsure of what to say. How do we approach a lead without coming off as spammy? How do we communicate our family pressures to a client without jeopardizing our reputation or income? The stakes are high, leading us to hope we'll never have to speak up, resulting in procrastination.
However, the truth is, we've lost sight of our "why." Our "why" is rooted in our values and purpose. It's about serving others with empathy and creativity, finding solutions to challenges. Yet, we become so entangled in our own problems that we lose our voice—the essence of our personal brand voice. It's built on our values, personality, and deep understanding of our audience, resonating deeply with both us and them when used effectively.
"Wait, so you're saying I can negotiate a deadline extension using my brand voice?"
"Yes, seriously."
"And I can attract more leads with ease using that same voice?"
"Even if my website isn't polished and my logo needs work?"
"Probably. If you really nail your voice."
"Okay, but you need to explain that."
The Power Of Your Voice Comes From How Well You Listen
Imagine you're reaching out to a potential client, hoping to win them over with your pitch. You don't have a flashy website or a stunning logo to grab their attention—just your words and your brand voice. At first glance, it might seem like an uphill battle. But here's the thing: your brand voice isn't just about what you say, but how you say it. And how you say it has everything to do do with how well you listen.
Because here's the secret: more than anything, people want to be heard. And the way your voice gets heard is by first listening intently to your audience and, yes, yourself. When you truly listen, you connect with your audience's authentic selves from your authentic self. It's a magic formula—a powerful combination of empathy, understanding, and genuine connection that transcends visuals and speaks directly to the heart. So, don't underestimate the power of listening. It's the key to unlocking the true potential of your brand voice and forging deep, meaningful connections with your audience.
How Do I Find My Voice?
It helps to know what you are looking for before you find it. Think of your voice as the personality and tone of your business—or you, if you're the CEO. It's how you sound when you talk to your audience, whether it's through individual conversations, your website, social media posts, or emails. Just like how you have your own unique way of speaking and expressing yourself in everyday life, your brand voice is what sets you apart from everyone else. It's what makes you sound like you, and it's what helps people connect with you on a deeper level. So, whether you're cracking jokes or getting straight to the point, your brand voice is what makes your message feel authentic and relatable to your audience.
Step 1: Tune into Your Values:
Our values are often hiding in plain sight, waiting to be discovered. They're the guiding principles that shape our business identity and drive our decisions as leaders or entrepreneurs. When we take the time to reflect on what matters most to us, we uncover the essence of who we are and what we stand for. These values are what others naturally recognize in us, and they're what either resonate with or repel them. And that's okay. If a company or client is repelled by our values, it helps us quickly identify the right fit and have more productive conversations as a result. So, let your values guide the way you communicate and make decisions, and watch as you attract those who align with your authentic self.
Step 2: Embrace Your Brand Personality:
Think of brand personalities as similar to human personalities—we all have certain dominant styles and behaviors that resonate with us. Just as you naturally gravitate towards certain traits in people, your business has its own unique personality that attracts your audience. The five brand personality types—Sincerity, Excitement, Competence, Sophistication, and Ruggedness—offer a framework for understanding and expressing your brand's character. Instead of trying to fit into a mold that doesn't feel authentic, embrace your brand's personality and explore creative ways to express it. By defining your brand personality, you can give your communication a consistent tone that connects with your stakeholders and sets you apart from the competition.
Step 3: Get to Know Your Audience:
We often hear about "finding your ideal customer," but have we truly delved deeply into understanding them? Beyond demographics and data, it's essential to uncover their needs, aspirations, and pain points. Every individual we encounter, whether it's a potential client or a colleague, deserves to be understood deeply. Yet, when faced with high-stakes situations, such as negotiating deals or addressing conflicts, do we let fear override our understanding of them? Money on the table can sometimes cloud our judgment, causing us to overlook whether someone is truly a good fit for us or if we can engage in constructive conversations with them when challenges arise. So, take the time to empathize with your audience, listen to their concerns, and build stronger, more meaningful connections based on mutual understanding and respect. Remember, empathy is not just a tool—it's the foundation of authentic communication and lasting relationships.
If this approach to interpersonal communications as well as social media and online conversations with your clients intrigues you, grab a copy of the free download, Harness Your Unique Voice for great exercises to help you listen to yourself and them with greater awareness.